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PowerApps Development Services
Microsoft Power Platform is a collection of low-code and no-code tools that enables users to create custom business solutions, automate workflows, and analyze data. The platform is built on top of the Common Data Service for Apps, which is a cloud-based data platform that allows users to create and manage data models and relationships. The Power Platform includes the following tools: 
  • Power Automate: Allows users to create and automate workflows across a variety of applications and services. 
  • Power Apps: Allows users to create custom business applications that run in a web browser or on mobile devices. 
  • Power BI: Allows users to connect to, visualize, and analyze data from a wide variety of sources. 
  • Power Virtual Agents: Enables users to create and manage chatbots using a guided, no-code platform. 

These tools are designed to work together seamlessly, and they can be easily integrated with other Microsoft services and third-party systems. The Power Platform can be used by business analysts, developers, IT professionals, and citizen developers to create custom solutions that meet the specific needs of their organizations. 

Also, there is a fifth tool called Power Virtual Agents, it allows you to create chatbots that can automate customer support, internal processes, and other tasks. 

Microsoft Power Apps is a tool that allows you to create custom business applications that run in a web browser or on mobile devices. The platform is designed to work seamlessly across a wide variety of devices, including: 

  • iOS devices: Power Apps supports the latest version of iOS, as well as older versions back to iOS 9. 
  • Android devices: Power Apps supports the latest version of Android, as well as older versions back to Android 5.0. 
  • Windows devices: Power Apps can be used on Windows 10 devices, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones. 
  • Web browsers: Power Apps can be used on a variety of modern web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. 
  • Custom applications: PowerApps also support building custom apps for specific devices and environments like canvas apps, model-driven apps, and portal 

Overall, PowerApps is designed to be a flexible platform that can run on a wide variety of devices, so that users can access the information and functionality. With this, it allows building an app that can run on any device, anywhere, and on any browser.

Yes, at Codevision Technologies we do offer post-development support with our PowerApps development services as it’s an important part of the overall custom software development process. 

Our Post-development support typically includes a range of services to ensure that the app continues to function as expected after it’s been released to users. This can include bug fixing, software updates, performance tuning, and ongoing maintenance to ensure that the app remains secure and compliant with any relevant regulations. 

  • Maintenance  
  • Support 
  • Customization 
  • Scalability

For more information, you can discuss with our PowerApps Consultant – Inquire Now 

We prefer and recommend the Agile Development Model because it is rapid, dependable, and outcome-oriented. However, based on the preferences of our organization and client needs, we can apply and use other development models as well. 
Of course, Before any project begins, we sign an NDA contract with the clients that includes full security of the mobile app. Rest assured, your idea and vision are safe with us. 
SharePoint Development Services
Microsoft SharePoint is a web-based collaboration and document management platform that is part of the Microsoft Office suite of products. It allows organizations to create websites where people can share information and work together on projects, documents, and other tasks. 

SharePoint provides a wide range of features and capabilities, including: 

  • Document management: SharePoint allows users to store, organize, and share documents, as well as track versions and approvals. 
  • Collaboration: SharePoint includes built-in tools for team collaboration, such as lists, calendars, wikis, and blogs, that make it easy for people to work together on projects and documents. 
  • Customizable web pages: SharePoint allows users to create and customize web pages using a variety of templates, web parts, and other tools. 
  • Search: SharePoint includes a powerful search engine that can be used to find content and people across the organization. 
  • Workflow: SharePoint provides a number of built-in workflows, such as document approval and task management, that can be used to automate business processes. 
  • Security: SharePoint allows organizations to set granular access controls to ensure that sensitive data is only visible to authorized users. 

SharePoint can be used for a wide range of business scenarios, such as creating intranet sites for employees, managing projects and tasks, and sharing documents and other files. 

It is also available in Cloud Platforms as SharePoint Online as part of Office 365 Subscription. 

Yes, we do offer post-development support with SharePoint framework development (SPFx) solutions This support can take various forms, such as ongoing maintenance and bug fixing, troubleshooting and problem-solving, and providing upgrades and enhancements to the solution. 

For more information, you can discuss with our SharePoint Consultant – Inquire Now  

We follow an agile workflow in which the ongoing progress of your Microsoft SharePoint innovation project is regularly shared with the client, manager, and other relevant stake holders. In the case of a CMS or intranet project, log-in details are relevant so you can see real-time progress. 

The cost of outsourcing the implementation of SharePoint development solutions can vary widely depending on a number of factors, such as the complexity of the project 

Additionally, the cost of the project will also depend on the scale and complexity of the SharePoint solution being implemented. A simple intranet site or small custom application will likely be less expensive than a large-scale enterprise-wide deployment. 

It would be best to reach out to with our SharePoint consultant for a quote for your specific requirements. 

Hiring SharePoint developers with us allows you to choose from flexible engagement options. We provide a variety of flexible engagement options, including monthly, part-time, and full-time employment.

Asp .Net Development Services
ASP.NET is a server-side web application development framework created by Microsoft. It allows developers to build dynamic, data-driven websites and web applications using the C# or VB.NET programming languages. 

Here are some reasons why you should consider using ASP.NET for web development: 

  • Rapid Development: ASP.NET provides a range of tools and libraries that make it easy for developers to quickly build and deploy web applications. 
  • Scalability: ASP.NET is designed to handle large amounts of traffic and data, making it ideal for enterprise-level applications that need to scale. 
  • Security: ASP.NET has built-in security features, such as authentication and authorization, to protect against common web application vulnerabilities. 
  • Object-Oriented Programming: ASP.NET utilizes an object-oriented programming model, making it easy to create reusable code and maintainable applications. 
  • Support for Multiple Languages: ASP.NET supports multiple languages such as C#, VB.NET, and F#, giving developers a choice of language to work with. 
  • Extensive Library: ASP.NET comes with a vast library of pre-built classes and components, making it easy to add functionality to an application without having to write the code from scratch. 
  • Support for Web Services: ASP.NET has built-in support for web services, making it easy to create and consume services in an application. 
  • Community Support: ASP.NET has a large and active community, providing developers with a wealth of resources and support. 
  • Integration with Visual Studio: ASP.NET can be easily integrated with Visual Studio, providing developers with a powerful development environment. 

Overall, ASP.NET is a great option for building web applications that are fast, secure, scalable, and easy to maintain. It’s a mature technology and has a large community and also many resources are available for it. 

We give a wide exhibit of ASP.NET Improvement Administrations to our clients overall with the goal that they can take their business up to a higher level. Our top-notch service range includes-:

  • Custom .NET Web Development Services
  • .NET Mobile Application Development
  • .NET Application Migration/Porting
  • .NET Designing, Custom CRM
  • ASP.NET Web Application Development
  • ASP.NET Ecommerce Solutions
  • .NET Integrations
  • Product Navigation Systems
Codevision Technologies has a team of highly skilled and experienced ASP.NET developers who have delivered a wide range of successful projects.
  • We offer customized ASP.NET development solutions to meet the specific needs of the client.
  • We use industry-proven methodologies, such as Agile and Scrum, to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.
  • High-quality code: Codevision Technologies follows best coding practices and standards to ensure that the code is clean, maintainable, and scalable.
  • We have a strong communication system with clients and dedicated project managers to ensure smooth and seamless project execution.
  • We are committed to delivering projects on time, ensuring that the client receives the solution as per their requirement.
  • We provide post-deployment technical support, ensuring that the client’s application is running smoothly and any issues are quickly resolved.
  • We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality, robust, and scalable solutions to clients.
    Consult with our ASP .NET Consultant – Inquire Now 
With Codevision you can hire dedicated developers on an hourly, full time or project basis as per your requirements. To know more in detail you can reach us by dropping your inquiry here.
We have experienced developers proficient in .Net development services which includes 
  • Custom Development 
  • Support and Maintenance 
  • Legacy System Modernization 
  • E-commerce Development 
Xamarin Application Development Services

Xamarin is a cross-platform app development framework that allows developers to build apps for iOS, Android, and Windows using C# and the .NET framework. The Xamarin framework includes bindings to the native APIs of each platform, so developers can use the same codebase to access device-specific features, such as the camera or GPS, on multiple platforms. Additionally, Xamarin provides a set of tools for building, testing, and deploying apps, as well as integration with popular development tools such as Visual Studio. 

There are several benefits to using Xamarin for mobile app development, including: 

  • Code sharing: Xamarin allows developers to use a single codebase to create apps for multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. This can save a significant amount of time and effort compared to developing separate apps for each platform. 
  • Performance: Xamarin apps are compiled to native code, which means they can take full advantage of the performance capabilities of the device they are running on. This can make them feel faster and more responsive than apps built with other cross-platform frameworks. 
  • Access to native APIs: Xamarin allows developers to access the full range of native APIs and libraries on each platform, which can be useful for building apps that require specific functionality or taking advantage of new features. 
  • Strong community: Xamarin has a large and active community of developers, which can make it easier to find answers to questions or find resources for learning. 
  • Support from Microsoft: As Xamarin is now part of Microsoft, developers can take advantage of the resources and tools provided by the company. 
  • Binding of native libraries: Xamarin allows for direct usage of native libraries. That enables developers to reuse any existing Objective-C, Java or Swift code, as well as take advantage of any new iOS or Android libraries. 
Our Xamarin Consultant will get in touch to determine the details of your task and go over the present budget. We will present our professional proposal and engagement models to select from. We begin immediately following the date on which you sign the contract. 
At Codevision, we take pride in having very skilled Xamarin developers who come highly recommended and have a long list of popular Xamarin-based apps across several popular industries. We are a well-known, international provider of Xamarin application development services. 
To figure out the expense of Xamarin development services, we must find out about the scope of your app, its key features, proposed scalability, etc. We are ready to connect you with quote experts to discuss your mobile app development needs in detail. Inquire Now
Umbraco Development Services
Umbraco is an open-source content management system (CMS) built on the Microsoft .NET framework. It is used to create and manage websites, intranets, and other web-based applications. 

Umbraco provides a user-friendly interface for managing content and other website assets, such as images and documents. It also has a powerful templating system that allows developers to create custom designs for the front end of the website. Umbraco is highly customizable, and developers can use the system’s APIs and hooks to create custom functionality. 

Umbraco development typically involves using C# and .NET to create custom templates, components, and modules for the CMS, as well as integrating it with other systems such as databases and third-party services. 

The amount of time it takes to build a Umbraco website can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the design, the amount of custom functionality required, and the availability of developer resources. 

A basic website with a simple design and minimal custom functionality can be built in as little as a couple of weeks. However, a more complex website with a unique design, and custom functionality. Additionally, the implementation of the content migration and testing process should also be taken into account. 

Codevision Technologies is your one-stop shop for successful and affordable web solutions. Our team includes expert designers, developers, and testers who ensure the 100 % security and robustness of every solution we create. We love offering competitive pricing for our services. Contact us to receive a cost breakdown of your website today.
You can choose between Umbraco web development services or hiring Umbraco developers for your project. In the latter case, you’ll have dedicated developers and project managers working on the web project. 

As a rule, the Umbraco CMS platform usually takes around one to four weeks for the planning phase. Following this, the preliminary building process takes around one to six weeks, depending on which website functionalities and the number of pages are planned. Codevision Technologies a Umbraco CMS development company also uses agile practices for developing the Umbraco CMS strategy according to your business requirements, without impacting quality. 

Angular Development Services

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source framework for building web applications. It is designed to make it easier to build dynamic, single-page web applications by providing a set of features such as two-way data binding, dependency injection, and a modular architecture. AngularJS’s use of two-way data binding and dependency injection makes it well-suited for building complex, data-heavy web applications with a lot of interactive features. It also allows for the creation of reusable components and directives, making it easier to build and maintain large web applications. 

AngularJS is primarily used for building web applications, and it can be used to build a wide variety of different types of applications. Some examples of the types of applications that can be built using AngularJS include: 

  • Single-page applications (SPAs): AngularJS’s two-way data binding and routing capabilities make it well-suited for building SPAs, which are web applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content as the user interacts with the app. 
  • Progressive web applications (PWAs): AngularJS can be used to build PWAs, which are web applications that can be installed on a user’s device and work offline. 
  • e-commerce applications: AngularJS’s support for dynamic data binding, dependency injection, and modular architecture makes it well-suited for building e-commerce applications that need to handle large amounts of data and user interactions. 
  • Dashboards and analytics applications: AngularJS can be used to build web-based dashboards and analytics applications that display data and statistics to users in an interactive way. 
  • Real-time collaboration tools: AngularJS’s two-way data binding can be used to build real-time collaboration tools, such as online document editors, that allow multiple users to work on a document simultaneously. 
Here are some of the key benefits of outsourcing your AngularJS web development in a country like India: 
  • Low development and operational cost 
  • Flexible to work according to your time-zone 
  • Access to experienced developers 
  • Reduced development times 
  • Assured quality services 
  • State-of-the-art technology 
  • A better understanding of different platforms 
Angular JS is a popular option for frontend development, but we understand that every job has a unique technology stack and is different. Tell us more about your needs, and we can develop a tailored tech stack for you that can be modified to suit your needs in the future. Employ Angular Developers in India with Codevision Technologies now! 
With Codevision Technologies the procedure for hiring Angular developers for your app project is incredibly simple and streamlined. We provide our clients with the best hiring practices available by methodically assessing the knowledge, proficiency, and quality of experience of our Angular engineers. We assist you in selecting the top candidates from our database of expert Angular developers and finding the professionals who are best suited for your project. 
Website Design and Development

Website design and development is the process of creating and building a website. 

Website design refers to the visual and aesthetic elements of a website, such as a layout, colour scheme, and overall look and feel. It involves creating the user interface and making sure it is visually pleasing and easy to use. Website designers use a variety of tools, such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, to create and edit images, graphics, and layouts. 

Website development, on the other hand, refers to the technical aspects of building a website, including coding and programming. Website developers use languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the structure and functionality of a website. 

Both design and development often happen simultaneously, with designers and developers working together to create a cohesive website that looks great and functions well. The end goal is to produce a website that is attractive and user-friendly, easy to navigate, and that will meet the needs of the client, and their users. 

Website design and development also include other aspects such as SEO, content creation, and testing, among others. It and also could be provided as a service by a web design and development agency, a freelancer or a team of experts depending on the size and complexity of the project. 

The time it takes to build a website can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the website, the number of pages and features, the design and development resources available, and the timeframe for the project. 

For a simple website with only a few pages, it may take only a few weeks to design and build. However, for a more complex website with many pages and features, such as an e-commerce website or a web application, it can take several months or even longer. 

The query for most of you is what will be the hourly rate for your new application. The cost is determined by the features and abilities that you need to implement, along with the developer’s level of expertise. However, if you have any concerns about cost, more details about the project are available for you. Inquire Now for more updates. 
Our project management process follows the requirements, prioritizes the tasks, and begins with a thorough planning stage. Throughout the execution of the plan, we keep an eye on the progress and administer a couple more processes in the last phase. 
We do not want to lose our clients’ trust. As soon as you’ve given our representatives your needs, we will be certain to sign the non-disclosure agreement. Furthermore, we have a confidentiality clause with our application developers to guard your thought within the parameters of our firm. 
Digital Marketing Services
Digital marketing is the promotion of products, services or brands through electronic media, including the internet, social media, email, and mobile apps. It uses a variety of digital channels and techniques to reach and engage customers, with the goal of driving profitable customer action. Examples of digital marketing tactics include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing. 
There are several benefits of implementing digital marketing, including: 
  • Increased reach: Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a larger audience than traditional marketing methods. 
  • Greater targeting capabilities: Digital marketing provides a variety of targeting options that allow businesses to reach specific demographics and geographic areas. 
  • Measurable results: Digital marketing campaigns can be tracked and measured in real-time, allowing businesses to see the results of their efforts and make adjustments as needed. 
  • Cost-effectiveness: Digital marketing is generally less expensive than traditional marketing methods, which can help businesses save money on marketing expenses. 
  • Increased engagement: Digital marketing allows for greater engagement with customers, through interactive and personalized content, allowing for a better relationship and understanding of the target audience. 
  • Greater flexibility: Digital marketing campaigns can be easily modified, updated or paused as per the need, which is not possible with traditional marketing methods. 
  • Better ROI: Because of the above benefits, digital marketing generally leads to a better return on investment (ROI) than traditional marketing methods. 
Digital marketing is generally considered to be more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. This is because digital marketing campaigns can be targeted to specific demographics and geographic areas, which helps to minimize wasted ad spend. Additionally, digital marketing campaigns can be tracked and measured in real-time, allowing businesses to see the results of their efforts and make adjustments as needed.

Digital marketing also offers a variety of low-cost or even free marketing tactics like social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization, which can be highly effective in driving traffic and sales. While traditional marketing methods such as TV and print advertising can be expensive, digital marketing allows for small and medium-sized businesses to compete with larger companies by offering a more cost-effective way to reach and engage customers. Inquire now to know more in detail.

At Codevision Technologies, we provide comprehensive digital marketing services including SEO (search engine optimisation), PPC (pay-per-click), social media, online reputation management content marketing, online PR, website design and development. We will help you understand the world of digital marketing better and also help you find the services that are just right for you.

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