
Classified: A SharePoint-Based Solution for Secure Internal Buying & Selling 

Classified Application

Our client, a prominent organization with a large workforce, faced a unique challenge: the need for an internal platform where employees could buy and sell products securely within the company’s SharePoint environment. The goal was to create a seamless, user-friendly solution that could foster employee interaction and enhance workplace engagement through a custom-built platform.

Technology: – SharePoint, SharePoint Framework SPFX

Country:- USA


The client approached us with specific challenges:  

  • Lack of a Centralized Platform: Employees were using external platforms or informal methods to buy and sell products, leading to privacy concerns and inefficiencies.
  • Security and Compliance: Ensuring that all transactions were secure and compliant with company policies was a top priority. The client needed a system that would allow for strict oversight and control.
  • User Engagement: The existing methods needed more engagement features, making it difficult for employees to find, sell, or share products effectively.
  • User Experience: Any solution implemented had to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring high adoption rates without requiring extensive training or support.


CV - Classified - Edit Product

To address these challenges, we developed Classified, a custom SharePoint-based application designed to integrate into the client’s existing SharePoint environment seamlessly. The solution was built using SharePoint web parts, allowing for easy configuration and integration into the site content. Once integrated, employees could access and utilize Classified Application features within their SharePoint environment.  




Our Customized Classified Application transformed the way our client’s employees interacted, offering a secure, efficient, and user-friendly platform for internal buying and selling. By leveraging the existing SharePoint Environment, we were able to deliver a solution that met the client’s needs while enhancing overall employee satisfaction and engagement.  

Are you looking for a similar solution? We have developed a custom application tailored for end users. You can explore and install CV Classified by following this link: Get CV Classified

Key Features of Classified Application

Buying Products

Employees can browse through a wide range of products listed on the platform. The intuitive interface ensures a smooth experience within the company's secure environment.

Filter and Search Product

The application includes robust filtering and search functionalities, allowing users to quickly find specific items or sellers by name, streamlining the product discovery process. 

Multiple Communication Options

Buyers can connect with sellers directly through Microsoft Teams, Outlook (Email), or by calling, facilitating accessible communication within the company's established communication channels.

Product Sharing

Employees can share product listings with colleagues, encouraging more interaction and visibility for items available on the platform.

Selling Products

Listing an item is straightforward. Users fill out a form, upload a minimum of three images, and provide a description. The system is designed to make the selling process as hassle-free as possible.

Approval Process

To maintain quality and ensure compliance, all products undergo an approval process by the admin before they are visible to other employees. This step guarantees that only appropriate items are listed.

Product Update after Approval

Sellers can update their product details, including price changes or new images, after the initial approval. Any updates go through the approval process again to ensure continuous quality control.

Security and Privacy

The application ensures that product details are secure, and no user can modify or tamper with products listed by others, maintaining the integrity of the marketplace.

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